Burleson offers a team of outstanding professionals with a wide range of botanical, wildlife, and sensitive habitat experience and qualifications within California’s diverse ecological communities. We are committed to providing a technical team that will fulfill project needs and provide a range of disciplines necessary for successful project compliance. Our staff of more than 15 ecologists, wildlife biologists, environmental scientists, and wetland/soil scientists located throughout California, provide local expertise of sensitive species and habitats, geological features, climatic conditions, and laws/regulations within our diverse flora/fauna communities.

Industry leading expertise in…
- Protocol and non-protocol special status species surveys
- Environmental awareness training and construction monitoring
- NEPA/CEQA document support (i.e. EIR, EIS, HCP, IS/MND, HRP, BA, BE)
- Jurisdictional waters/wetland delineation, determinations, and reporting
- Permitting (401, 404, 1602) and consultation (Sections 7 and 10 ESA)
- Data collection (GPS), mapping (GIS), analysis, and management
- Incidental Take Permits (ITP)