Burleson specializes in providing California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance support. We begin by working directly with design/planning teams to develop projects that minimize environmental impacts. We specialize in streamlining the environmental timeline by engaging oversight agencies early in the process. As passionate environmental puzzle masters, we have gained a reputation achieving success with controversial/dynamic projects and are proud to serve public and private sectors with environmental compliance support.

Industry leading expertise in…


CEQA Compliance

  • Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)
  • Initial Studies (IS), IS Mitigated
    Negative Declarations
  • Categorical Exemptions

NEPA Compliance

  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
  • Environmental/Biological Assessments
  • Categorical Exclusions
  • Finding of No Significant Impacts

  • Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Analysis
  • Noise Analysis
  • Agency Consultation
  • Mitigation Preparation/Implementation
  • GIS Database & Mapping
  • Public Noticing/Scoping
  • Surveys/Monitoring
Nadia Burleson, PE
(916) 984-4651, ext. 115

Client Satisfaction

"Burleson Consulting was excellent to work with and very professional. They assembled a top-notch team of experts to study and propose solutions to the water supply challenges at Sutter National Wildlife Refuge. The communication was excellent throughout the project. This included project staff, contracting personnel, and interested stakeholders. As a result, the project was completed on time and on budget. I would not hesitate to use or recommend Burleson Consulting in the future."Kevin Clancy, Project Manager – United States Bureau of Reclamation