Surface water quality projects generally focus on preventing pollutants from impacting waterways. Our engineers, chemists, biologists, and geologists complete studies and permitting (401, 404, 1602) to protect waters of the US from being affected by fill, sediment, and nonvisible pollutants. We have evaluated methods to improve water quality for sensitive species in lakes and rivers and to eradicate harmful species such as the invasive zebra mussels.
Burleson has completed environmental assessments (EAs) for several conjunctive use projects that would improve groundwater quality by surface water recharge. We have qualified SWPPP developers (QSDs) and practitioners (QSPs) to prepare and implement SWPPPs that conform to the Construction General Permit. Burleson has also completed several Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans for federal and industrial clients.
Remediation projects are often completed to clean up contaminated groundwater and to protect surface water and groundwater.
Burleson has completed multiple water quality projects that protect water resources.
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Foster Farms